Make charges to your card or borrow against your credit line. Either way, you can pay off the balance in equal monthly installments at a fixed rate. It earns rewards, but it lacks certain other incentives and is not available everywhere.
Card details
Annual fee: $0
Credit limit: Typically $500 to $25,000. (Some borrowers may qualify for up to $50,000.)
Rewards rate: 1.5%
Type of card: Cash back
Credit Score: Average – Excellent (630 – 850)
Card benefits
- No security deposit required.
- Get pre-approved without hurting your credit scores.
- Get instant access to a virtual card upon approval.
- Pay down balances at a fixed interest rate with equal monthly payments.
- No prepayment penalty, late fees or penalty APR.
- Reports to all three major credit bureaus.
- Earn unlimited 1.5% in Bitcoin on all purchases when you pay them back
For whom this card is recommended
Risk-seekers or true Bitcoin believers should go crazy for the no-annual-fee Upgrade Bitcoin Reward Card. Every qualified purchase earns 1.5% back in Bitcoin, which is automatically deposited into a digital wallet and redeemable for a statement credit. For those seeking to build up a cryptocurrency portfolio without dipping into their savings, this card is an excellent way to do so.
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